
CEEG Seminar Series

The Faculty of Economics of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) has been organizing an academic seminar series under the Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme since 2019. Coordinated by the Centre for Economic and Management Studies (CEEG), the series offers a forum to share and discuss ongoing research on topics related to the work of the IGM programme and to foster a culture of research at the faculty and at UEM in general.

The seminar series features presentations by the researchers of the programme partners and by notable guest speakers. The topics range from education, labour market, informal sector and health to natural resources, private sector dynamics and governance. See below the seminar programme, which will be updated regularly.

The seminars will be held at the Faculty of Economics located at the main campus of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) in Maputo on Wednesday’s from 12:00 to 13:30.

The seminars are public events open to everyone. Welcome!


6 March 2019O perfil dos estudantes da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (The profile of students of the Eduardo Mondlane University)
Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER
Sam Jones, UNU-WIDER
13 March 2019

Vulnerabilidade às Calamidades Naturais: Avaliação do Impacto a Curto Prazo da Cheia de 2015 sobre Consumo e Pobreza em Moçambique
Vincenzo Salvucci, University of Copenhagen

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)                                                   

3 April 2019

Saúde e capital humano no crescimento económico de Moçambique
Simões Nhabinde, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane

Presenattaion in slides (in portuguese)

17 April 2019

Moçambique na Encruzilhada dos Recursos Naturais
Simões Nhabinde, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)

25 April 2019Addressing the global learning crisis: can improved teacher practices help? (Enfrentando a críse global de aprendizagem: será que melhores prácticas de ensino podem ajudar)
David K. Evans, Center for Global Development
2 May 2019Educação em Moçambique: Resultados do Inuérito aos Indicadores de Prestação de Serviços 2018
Octávio Medina, World Bank

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)
8 May 2019

Análise da Dinâmica da Sustentabilidade das Finanças Públicas em Moçambique (2000-2016)
Sylvestre Manoela, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane

 Presenation in slides (in portuguese)

15 May 2019 Análise Factorial Exploratória do Sector Informal em Moçambique: Abordagem do Comércio de Rua na Cidade de Maputo
Josenilde Janguia, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
22 May 2019 Analise dos Efeitos da Concentração da Indústria Bancária sobre a Competição no Mercado Monetário Moçambicano (2008-2016)
Constantino Marrengula, Faculdade de Economia/Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
29 de Maio de 2019Economia e as Armadilhas do Pensamento Económico
Ana Lisa Moutinho, Atlântico Business School
5 June 2019Importância dos Tipos de Inovação nas Empresas dos Sectores de Comércio e de Serviços em Moçambique
Zeferino Numaio, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
13 June 2019Moçambique: Ferramenta de um Diagnóstico Institucional
Finn Tarp, University of Copenhagen
Presenation in slides (in portuguese)
26 June 2019Economia e Segurança Marítima em Moçambique
Joaquim Manjate, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
3 July 2019Análise comparativa na criação de postos de trabalhos: Empreendedor por oportunidade e Empreendedor por necessidade, contexto Moçambicano, 2012-2017
Adriano Madamuge, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane

Presentation in slides (in portugeuse)
10 July 2019Espaço Fiscal para Protecção Social em Moçambique
Ruben Vicente, ILO Mozambique

Presentation slides (in portuguese)
17 July 2019Desigualdades na Saúde Materna e Infantil em Moçambique: Uma Visão Histórica 
Leonardo Chavane, Faculdade de Madicina/Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)
31 de Julho de 2019 Papel das Habilidades na Percepção do Desempenho Académico Universitário
Edson Mazive, CEEG/ Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
Félix Mambo, UNU-WIDER

Slides (in Portuguese)
7 August 2019Crédito e Desempenho Sectorial: Uma análise ao sector agrícola em Moçambique
Pedro Pota, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
14 August 2019 Determinantes do erro na formação de expectativas salariais de estudantes finalista universitários em Moçambique 
Gimelgo Xirinda, CEEG/ Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)
21 August 2019O papel das pequenas e médias empresas na promoção do emprego e  Crescimento da Economia Nacional; Período (2012 – 2017)
Fernando Cuche, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
24 August 2019Costruíndo ganhos mutuos
Joaquim Manjate, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
11 September 2019Effects of monetary and fiscal policies on foreign direct investment in Mozambique (Efeitos das políticas monetária e fiscal no investimento estrangeiro directo em Moçambique)
Enia Pondo, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
18 September 2019Gestão de Riscos Fiscais
Tjeerd Tim, Independent Consultant

Presentation in slides
2 October 2019Abordagem Teórica das Teorias de Polos de Crescimento e de Base de Exportação no Desenvolvimento Económico
Isaque Joaquim, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
Elzira Tundumula, Faculty of Economics/University of Eduardo Mondlane
27 November 2019Desigualdade, redistribuição e conflicto (Inequality, redistributuin and conflict)
Patricia Justino, UNU-WIDER

Presentation in slides
04 December 2019Medindo a literacia e numeracia funcional para o mercado de trabalho entre jovens moçambicanos: resultados de um inquérito feito na Beira e Maputo
Paul Jasper, MUVA-OPM

Presentation in slides
18 December 2019Que tipo de emprego está a ser criado em Moçambique? Reflexão a luz das agro-indústrias
Rosmina Ali, IESE

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)
27 October 2021

Mobilidade intergeracional na educação em Moçambique
Sam Jones, UNU-WIDER

Working Paper | Presentation slides

3 November 2021

Effects on attrition of communicating with survey participants
Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER

Report | Presentation in slides (in portuguese)

17 November 2021

Institutions and extractive industries at SADC
Simeão Nhabinde, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Presentataion in slides (in portuguese)

8 December 2021

The determinants of occupational preference. Evidence from Mozambique
Jorge Mouco, Independent researcher

Presenatation in slides (in portuguese)

26 January 2022

Informed job entry - does labour market information speed job taking in Mozambique?
Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)

9 March 2022Conflicts in Mozambique: A spatial analysis of the determinants of between 2018 and 2021 
Felix Mambo, Independent consultant
23 February 2022The economic recession in Mozambique: Was it COVID-19? – A view from the external sector
Michael Sambo, IESE
9 March 2022

Determinants of gender differences in employment among youth in the cities of Beira and Maputo
Paul JasperOxford Policy Management (OPM) and Ivan Manhique, Independent consultant

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)

6 April 2022A spatial analysis of poverty in Mozambique
Isa Chiconela, Independent researcher
20 April 2022The impact of COVID-19 on the nutrition of Mozambican families and children
Margherita Squarcina, PhD student at the University of Florence
4 May 2022The effect of macroeconomic factors on illicit financial flows from the natural resource sector in Mozambique
Rafael da Cruz Macamo, CIC BATA (Centro de Iniciativas para la Cooperacion)
25 May 2022

From mining to cryptocurrency exchanges
Celestino Joanguete, UEM

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)

1 June 2022Bankruptcy prediction model for the banking sector in Mozambique
Reis Castigo Intupo, UEM
29 June 2022

CEEG Seminar Series: Data availability for research
Firmino Guiliche, UEM

Presentation slides (in portuguese)

10 August 2022CEEG Seminar Series: The role of mobile money in reducing economic inequality in Mozambique
Moisés Siúta, University of Cape Town
24 August 2022

CEEG Seminar Series: Economic growth of Mozambique and its interaction with the environment
Mônica Magaua, University do Eduardo Mondlane

Presentation slides (in portuguese)

14 September 2022

CEEG Seminar Series: Determinants of the Capital Structure of Mozambican Non-Financial Companies: 2010-2015
Valter Manjate, University of Eduardo Mondlane

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)

28 September 2022

CEEG Seminar Series: Cabo Lutado, Cabo Apagado - Night-Time Lights and Multidimensional Poverty in conflict-torn Cabo Delgado, Mozambique
Giulia Barletta, University of Copenhagen

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)

5 October 2022

The influence of taxation on the accounting of small and medium-sized companies in the context of the impact of deferred taxes on the balance sheet
Ivo Mabilane, University of Eduardo Mondlane

Presentation in slides (in portuguese)

19 October 2022Difference between Cluster and Industrial District
Venâncio Chirrime, University of Eduardo Mondlane
30 November 2022Influence of New Public Management (NPM) practices on the performance management of Mozambican State companies - preliminary results
Eugénio Matlaba, University of Eduardo Mondlane
23 August 2023Labour market effects of digital matching platforms – experimental evidence from sub-Saharan Africa
Sam Jones, UNU-WIDER
30 August 2023Access to data from rural surveys conducted by DIME in Mozambique 
Bordalo Mouzinho, DIME, World Bank
18 October 2023

Dynamics of competition regulation in Mozambique and in the context of SADC and AfCFTA – the role of ARC and the evolution of the legal framework for competition

Iacumbe Aiuba, ARC

25 October 2023

The evolution of inequality in Mozambique

Giulia Barletta, UCPH-DERG, University of Copenhagen

22 November 2023

What explains the disaster preparedness of micro enterprises? Examining socio-psychological characteristics and an information provision experiment

Hanna Berkel, UNU-WIDER

13 March 2024

Decomposing Budget Credibility 

Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER

11 April 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Determinants of school to work transitions and their gender dynamics

Ivan Manhique, LSE

17 April 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Impact of development schemes on the income and food security of small agricultural producers in Mozambique

Sergio Ponguane, ISPG

18 April 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: The legacy of coercive cotton cultivation in colonial Mozambique

Henrique Barros, UNU-WIDER

8 May 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Relationship analysis between human resources practices and worker performance in Maputo

Diogenia Bambo, UEM

22 May 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Control of operations and enterprise concentration

Iacumba Aiuba, ARC

5 June 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: The influence of agricultural associations on the marketing of corn in Mozambique

Ivan Manhique and Tania Fafetine

19 June 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Market System Resilience Index (MSRI) in Mozambique: Nampula and Cabo Delgado Provinces

Isa Chiconela

10 July 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Forced to be transparent? An analysis of the adoption and implementation of extractive industries transparency initiative in Mozambique

Líria Langa

7 August 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Sectorial analysis of youth employment creation in Mozambique, 2010-2018

Pedro Pota

21 August 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Digital Financial Service Risks and Financial Inclusion in Mozambique: 2013- 2022.

Rossana Carimo

4 September 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: The Impact of the Extractive Industry on Economic Development in Mozambique (1997 - 2017)

Maria Natália João and Félix Mambo

24 September 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Unlocking trade and investment opportunities through trade policy reforms in Mozambique

Marcos Miguel

16 October 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Do interactions with local institutions improve the performance of companies women-owned? Evidence from Vietnam, Myanmar, and Mozambique

Hanna Berkel

30 October 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Presentation of IGM conference posters on labour market and private sector dynamics in Mozambique

Valdemiro Américo, Juli Melembe and Kenny Mutar

20 November 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Inequality framing and social preferences: a comparative study between Mozambique and Vietnam

Inês Ferreira

2 December 2024

CEEG Seminar Series: Dynamics of Mozambican banking sector: Market structure and competitiveness

Félix Mambo e Isa Chiconela

12 February 2025

CEEG Seminar Series: Presentation of IGM conference posters on natural resources exploitation and the evolution of poverty in Mozambique

Speakers: Telça Massingue, Hilário Muchabel, Vasco Vilanculo and Marcelo Mucocana

19 March 2025

CEEG Seminar Series: Optimizing the political sustainability index: A comparative analysis of Mozambique, the USA and Sweden

Speakers: Flavio Quembo, Mozambican Association of Political Science