
CEEG Seminar Series: Market System Resilience Index (MSRI) in Mozambique: Nampula and Cabo Delgado Provinces

On Wednesday, 19 June 2024, Isa Chiconela, Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at International Development Enterprises (iDE), will present her recent study entitled ‘Market System Resilience Index (MSRI) in Mozambique: Nampula and Cabo Delgado Provinces´. 

The seminar is part of the CEEG Seminar Series, organized under the Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme. The seminars offer a forum to share and discuss ongoing research on topics related to the work of the IGM programme and to foster a culture of research at the faculty and at UEM in general.

The seminars take place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM). They are public events open to everyone. The presentation will be given in Portuguese.

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About the study

The study uses the Market System Resilience Index (MSRI), an approach developed to assess and promote the inclusion of all relevant actors within a market system (Choptiany, et al., 2021) and assess their resilience, to analyse market system resilience in Nampula and Cabo Delgado Provinces. The market actors defined in this approach are Input Suppliers, Retailers, Output Markets and Households. These actors interact between them and feed the market system. 

The Market System Resilience Index is built based on a scoring process with values ranging between 0 and 5. The results of the study show that the MSRI is 2.61 for households and 2.75 for market actors. These results are not sufficient to define whether the status is good or bad but can be used as a baseline index.