
The employment journey in Mozambique (poster)


  • Many students find themselves facing inactivity, unemployment, and informal work [5 & 8].
  • Women in TVET face more obstacles than men in labor transitions [2, 5 & 8].
  • Peer salary information significantly influences young people’s wage expectations [3].
  • Graduates overestimate future earnings due to job mismatches and lack of information [1].


In Mozambique, economic challenges lead to a shortage of high-quality jobs, affecting university and TVET (Technical and Vocational Training) graduates, with only 1 in 10 TVET having secured a stable job [Figure 2 & 3] [5 & 8].

Gender disparities persist in the labor market transitions, with men securing more job opportunities than women, especially in TVET [Figure 2 & 3].

Despite difficulties, the private sector remains the preferred employment option for University students, with almost 1 in 5 graduates being self-employed [Figure 4] [8 & 9].

The service sector is the main job market for University graduates, providing more employment opportunities [Figure 1] [8].

The expected average wage exceeds 26,500 MZN, which is 2.5 times higher than the highest sectoral minimum wage [9].

Peer salary information significantly influences young people’s wage expectations, reducing distortions by 13pp [3].

Currently, the job search strategies that lead to employment are mainly informal, for example, personal contacts [8].

Work sector
by round for University [5] – Figure. 01





Economic situation
by round and gender for University [8] – Figure 02




by round and gender for TVET [5] – Figure 03






Type of employer
by round (%) for University [8] – Figure  04







  • Promote gender equality through educational policies, job opportunities, subsidy programs, and instigate cultural shifts against gender discrimination [7 & 8].
  • Improve labor market efficiency by providing accurate information about job prospects and earnings [1].
  • Forge partnerships between educational institutions, Government Agencies and businesses to support graduates’ transition [6].


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