Este relatório documenta os principais resultados do Inquérito às Indústrias Manufactureiras Moçambicanas 2022 (IIM 2022). O inquérito foi realizado em 2022 no âmbito do programa Crescimento inclusivo em Moçambique (IGM) com apoio do Ministério dos...
Documento de trabalho

Maimuna Ibraimo e Eva-Maria Egger

Internal migration plays an important role in the economic development of individuals, their families, and their country. This study describes Mozambique’s most common migration patterns from 1992 until 2017 using data from three population censuses.
Documento de trabalho

Antonio S. Cruz, Cipriano Cláudio, Vincenzo...

This technical note describes how the 2015 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Mozambique was updated. New Household Budget Survey data availability, changes in the economic structure as captured by the underlying Supply and Use Tables...
Documento de trabalho

Giulia Barletta, Maimuna Ibraimo, Vincenzo...

Após décadas de guerra, que terminou em 1992, Moçambique iniciou uma trajectória de crescimento económico sustentado e de redução substancial da pobreza. No entanto, esta dinâmica positiva começou a inverter-se a partir de 2015, com...
Documento de trabalho

Nilifer Anaç, Eva-Maria Egger, Sam Jones, Ricardo...

Informal self-employed traders in developing countries are vulnerable to shocks as they often lack access to social insurance or formal finance. This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these urban traders in...
Documento de trabalho

Sam Jones e Ivan Manhique

Digital labour platforms have grown five-fold over the last decade, enabling significant expansion in gig work worldwide. We interrogate the criticism that these platforms tend to amplify aggregate economic shocks for registered users (workers).
Artigo de jornal
THIS ARTICLE IS ON EARLY VIEW | This study assesses the economic costs of COVID-19 and the state of emergency implemented by the Government of Mozambique.
Artigo de jornal

Alba Llop-Gironés e Sam Jones

A wide range of evidence shows systematic differences in health status among social groups, which are associated with unequal exposure to and distribution of the social determinants of health (SDH).
Documento de trabalho

António S. Cruz, Ines A. Ferreira, Johnny Flentø...

The paper brings out how difficult it is to make institutional reforms work, within a structure of political and economic power that may not benefit from them, even in the context of a high degree...