
CEEG Seminar Series: Dynamics of competition regulation in Mozambique and in the context of SADC and AfCFTA

The role of ARC and the evolution of the legal framework for competition

On Wednesday, 18 October 2023, Iacumba Ali Aiuba, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Competition Regulatory Authority (Autoridade Reguladora da Concorrência, ARC) of Mozambique will present on the role of ARC in the dynamics of competition regulation in Mozambique and in the context of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) as well as on the evolution of the legal framework for competition in general.

The seminar is part of the CEEG Seminar Series, organized under the Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme. The seminars offer a forum to share and discuss ongoing research on topics related to the work of the IGM programme and to foster a culture of research at the faculty and at UEM in general.

The seminars take place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM). It is a public event open to everyone. The presentation will be given in Portuguese.


About the presentation

In economic terms, competition can be defined as a situation of a free and open market in which different producers/sellers autonomously compete for the preference of consumers/buyers, offering similar products or services.

The Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) of Mozambique is a legal entity governed by public law. It is endowed with legal personality and capacity, and administrative, patrimonial, financial, technical, and regulatory autonomy. Its area of action is multi-sectoral and transversal, with a legal regime defined by the Competition Law and applicable to all economic activities carried out in the national territory or that produce effects there.

ARC's main mission is to ensure the application of rules for promoting and defending competition in the private and public sectors in Mozambique.