
CEEG Seminar: From mining to cryptocurrency exchanges

On Wednesday 25 May 2022, Celestino Joanguete, UEM, will discuss the opportunities and risks of cryptocurrencies in his presentation entitled ‘From mining to cryptocurrency exchanges’.

The seminar is part of the CEEG Seminar Series, organized under the Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme. The seminars offer a forum to share and discuss ongoing research on topics related to the work of the IGM programme and to foster a culture of research at the faculty and at UEM in general.

The seminars take place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM). It is a public event open to everyone. The presentation will be given in Portuguese.


About the presentation

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that work without the intermediation of institutions such as governments or banks, allowing direct person-to-person exchanges. By drastically reducing transaction costs and time while maintaining a level of security and scalability, cryptocurrencies are said to have the potential of revolutionizing the global financial sector and holding a special promise for Africa. Dozens of countries have already recognized cryptocurrencies and their current market capitalization is estimated at around USD 350 billion.

However, there are considerable risks involved, including the lack of regulation – leading to the risk of piracy and fraud – and the high volatility these currencies.

The presentation aims to draw a timeline from the dawn of digital currencies up to the most recent developments, focusing on the opportunities and risks of these type of digital assets.