
Ricardo Santos presents IGM paper on horizontal and intersecting inequalities in IIEP seminar

On 19 April 2021, Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER Research Fellow, presents an IGM paper in progress discussing the horizontal and intersecting inequalities in Mozambique in an online seminar coordinated by the Institute for International Economic Policy (IIEP) of the George Washington University.

The study, entitled ‘Horizontal and Intersecting Wealth Inequalities in Mozambique – 1997 to 2017’, seeks to measure and map indicators of horizontal wealth inequality along geographic regions and ethnolinguistic identities in Mozambique.

The seminar is part of the ‘Viewing Multidimensional Poverty from Many Angles’ series, jointly organized by the IIEP and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), with the support of the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report Office (UNDP HDRO).

The presentation (30 minutes) will be followed by a discussion by Heriberto Tapia of the Human Development Report Office and a Q&A session of 20 minutes.

The seminar offers an opportunity to provide exposure to the research being carried out under IGM and the comments and feedback received from the international academic audience will help finalize the paper and provide ideas for additional future papers.