
Research methodologies training workshop series

These training workshop series on research methodologies, organized under the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique Programme, as a preparatory session for the programme call for papers for 2019 its led by the Centre of Economics and Management Study (CEEG). The events will run throughout the first semester of 2019, at the Faculty of Economics, University of Eduardo Mondlane in Mozambique.

The workshops aim to improve research knowledge to potential researchers including teachers and students, to enable them to participate in call for papers and consequently publish in impact scientific magazines and seminars.

The workshops series have as ultimate goal to build research capacity among Mozambican research partners improving their research knowledge, among potential researchers including teachers, and students.


23 May

Composition of a scientific article

  • Elements and structure
  • How to choose a scientific article topic and title
  • How to elaborate an objective

Josenilde Mário Janguia, University of Eduardo Mondlane

30 May

Literature review and citations

  • Data source
  • Bibliography
  • Academic reading

Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER

06 June

Primary data collection

  • Sampling
  • Field data collection

Firmino Guiliche, University of Eduardo Mondlane

13 June

Summary and introduction of a scientific article

  • Contextualization
  • Topic
  • Justification

Agostinho Machava, University of Eduardo Mondlane

18 July

Academic Writing I

Result analysis and conclusions

  • Results presentation
  • Consclusion and recomendation
  • Introduction

Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER

25 July

Academic Writing II

Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER