
IGM research papers presented at CSAE Conference 2021

Two recent research papers produced under the Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme were presented at the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) 2021 virtual conference in March – Sam Jones, UNU-WIDER Research Fellow, discussed the insights from a study on the effect of peer salary information on own-earnings forecasts among Mozambican students on 19 March and Hanna Berkel, PhD Fellow at the University of Copenhagen, shared the results of a study on the impact of cash grants to manufactures after Cyclone Idai – RCT evidence from Mozambique, on 25 March.

The CSAE Conference 2021: Economic Development in Africa took place across 2 weeks from 15-26 March 2021, gathering together researchers and practitioners from around the world to discuss recent research findings on topics ranging from agriculture and education to fiscal and monetary policy and macro productivity.

“Presenting at conferences like the CSAE provides a great opportunity to showcase some of the work undertaken under the IGM programme to a broader international audience of both researchers and policy-makers. It’s also helpful to get some feedback on the research as well as network with other scholars working on similar topics,” says Sam Jones.