
Workshop on data on Mozambican manufacturing enterprises

On 20 June 2024, the Centre for Economic and Management Studies (CEEG) of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) organizes a workshop on a dataset on Mozambican manufacturing sector enterprises (IIM) produced under the Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme. 

The data was collected in 2012, 2017 and 2022 over three rounds of a survey focusing on small, medium and micro size enterprises in Mozambique. As such, it gives a good overview of the dynamics among Mozambican manufacturing sector enterprises over the past 20 years. It includes information on company and business owner characteristics, detailed financial accounts, management practices, business environment, inter-company linkages, access to credit and climate change, among others.

The objective of the workshop is to familiarize the participants with the IIM data, identify specific subtopics that have not yet been analyzed, and promote research using the dataset. It is targeted for researchers and analysts at the Faculty of Economics of UEM and at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It is given by Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER Research Fellow and Resident Advisor at CEEG, and Firmino Guiliche, researcher at CEEG.