
Research Methods training in Maputo

The Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme organizes a three-day course on research methods from 17-19 July 2024 in Maputo, Mozambique. 

The course is designed for the University of Eduardo Mondlane’s, faculty members (lecturers), post graduate students, members of the study directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), and researchers who have an active interest in doing academic research. It aims to give a general introduction to research methods in social sciences, with a particular focus on quantitative work and economics in general. 

Participants will familiarize themselves with key elements of academic research, research proposals, literature review, data collection and analysis (quantitative and qualitative; secondary data; software), and elements of academic writing. 

The course is coordinated by the Centre for Economics and Management Studies (CEEG) of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) and given by Ricardo Santos, UNU-WIDER Research Fellow.