
Macroeconomic policy course

The Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme organizes a one-day course on macroeconomic policy on 3 September 2024.

The course is designed for researchers and analysts at the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM). It aims at showing how the debt crisis has affected the development process in Sub-Saharan Africa and will familiarize the participants with identifying economic analysis tools and understanding the trade-offs involved in macroeconomic policy. Topics to be discussed in more detail include: savings-investment gap, balance of payments, monetary balance, and how these can be identified in the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). Additionally, a presentation and review of the IMF's standard financial programming (FP) approach to economic stabilization, and the World Bank's growth programming model will be made.

The course is coordinated by the Center for Studies in Economics and Management (CEEG) of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) and given by Prof. Finn Tarp, Development Economics Research Group (DERG), University of Copenhagen (UCPH-DERG).