Course on analysis of agriculture sector using STATA
The Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme organizes a short course on the analysis of the agriculture sector in Mozambique using STATA, on 1–2 December 2022.
The training consists of an introduction to a database created using data from the Integrated Agricultural Inquiries 2002–2020 (Inquéritos Agrários Integrados, IAIs) as well as a series of practical exercises and group work. Focus is given to the topics of access to services for agricultural development (financial and mobile services, extensionist services, SIMA information), measuring agricultural dynamics related to area and yield (including market relationships, suppliers, storage), and food security and nutrition in Mozambique (including emergency planning and mitigation of risks).
The course is tailored for technicians and analysts at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER) as well as for local academics and students. Its objective is to strengthen and promote analysis and research on the agriculture sector in Mozambique and to contribute to evidence-based policy-making promoting agricultural and rural development in the country.
The course is given by Benedito Cunguara, specialist in agriculture sector data in Mozambique.