Working paper

João Morgado and Vincenzo Salvucci

In this study we analyze the gender gap in agricultural productivity in Mozambique applying the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition approach on data from four agricultural surveys between 2002 and 2012.
Working paper

Faaiqa Hartley, Dirk van Seventer, Emílio Tostão...

Mozambique is one of the most promising African countries for producing biofuels and the national biofuel policy of 2009 identifies measures to incentivize biofuel production.
Working paper

António S. Cruz and Fausto J. Mafambissa

Under the current international economic conditions, where Asian countries are strong competitors in the manufacturing commodities, low-income countries like Mozambique could attempt to compete in industries without smokestacks.
Working paper

José Cardoso, João Morgado and Vincenzo Salvucci

In this study we analyse the evolution of deprivation indicators and of a multidimensional poverty index using Mozambican census data for 1997 and 2007.
Journal article

Christoffer Sonne-Schmidt, Finn Tarp and Lars...

This paper introduces a concept of inequality comparisons with ordinal bivariate categorical data. In our model, one population is more unequal than another when they have common arithmetic median outcomes and the first can be...
Journal article

Channing Arndt, M. Azhar Hussain, Vincenzo...

A propitiously timed household survey carried out in Mozambique over the period 2008/2009 permits us to study the relationship between shifts in food prices and child nutrition status in a low income setting.
Working paper

Channing Arndt, Sam Jones, Kristi Mahrt, Vincenzo...

We broadly review the challenges encountered and choices made in the national assessments of consumption poverty using the 1996/97, 2002/03, and 2008/09 budget surveys.
Working paper

Helen Barnes, Vanda Castelo, Finório Castigo...

This paper assesses the feasibility of developing a tax and benefit microsimulation model in Mozambique. Mozambique’s National Development Strategy 2015–35 commits to providing social security to three-quarters of poor and vulnerable households by 2035. Tax–benefit...
Working paper

Channing Arndt, Kristi Mahrt, and Finn Tarp

Private consumption capabilities form only one facet of comprehensive living standards assessments, but they are an important facet whose measurement should be done well. Measurement is complex due to a multitude of methodological choices, which...
Journal article

Channing Arndt, Azhar M. Hussain, Vincenzo...

We explore a novel first-order dominance (FOD) approach to poverty mapping and compare its properties to small-area estimation. The FOD approach uses census data directly, is straightforward to implement, is multidimensional allowing for a broad...