Public Forum

Launch of the CEEG Economic Bulletin

On 26 March 2025, the Center for Economic and Management Studies (CEEG) of the Faculty of Economics, University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), launches its Economic Bulletin(on a date to be confirmed).

Its aim is to increase Mozambican agents' access to data on the performance of the country’s economy and encourage better-informed decision-making. 

The bulletin offers a descriptive analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators of 2024 chosen according to their impact on the country's development. Among them, we highlight inflation, gross domestic product growth, sectors’ contribution to gross value added, interest rates, exchange rates, economic credit, and government credit.

The launch event, organised under the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique (IGM) programme, will bring together policymakers, private sector representatives, academics, development partners, and civil society representatives to discuss key macroeconomic indicators and their use in Mozambique.

The event will be in-person, and participation will be by invitation only.

For details, please see the programme below. 

Please note that the event will be held in Portuguese only. Simultaneous interpretation will not be available.



10:00-10:30Registration and coffee/tea
Event Opening
10:30-11:00Welcome and Opening remarks
Professor Doctor Manuel Guilherme Jr, Magnificent Rector of UEM
Prof. Teles Huo, Director of the Faculty of Economics, UEM
Presentation of the bulletin
11:00-11:30Presentation of the bulletin 

Firmino Guiliche, University of Eduardo Mondlane, Faculty of Economics (UEM-FACECO)
Vasco Vilanculo, Center for Studies in Economics and Management (CEEG- UEM)
11:30-11:45Summary of the Macroeconomic Dynamics of 2024
Prof. José Chichava, Faculty of Economics, UEM
Q&A session and Series of Bulletins
11:45-12:00Q&A Session
12:00-12:15Presentation of the Series of Bulletins
Research Programme 

Macroeconomic Research Programme of the IGM

Pedro Pota, Director of the Center for Studies in Economics and Management (CEEG- UEM)
