Artigo de jornal

Vincenzo Salvucci e Ricardo Santos

Mozambique is among the most disaster-prone countries in the world. A bigger than usual, and mostly unexpected, flood occurred in the central-northern region of the country in 2015.
Documento de trabalho

Sam Jones e Ricardos Santos

How jobseekers set their earnings expectations is central to job search models. To study this process, we track the evolution of own-earnings forecasts over 18 months for a representative panel of university-leavers in Mozambique
Documento de trabalho

Bjørn Bo Sørensen, Christian Estmann, Enilde...

Este documento propõe um quadro metodológico para identificar sectores de produtos atractivos e mercados de exportação numa localização.
Documento de trabalho

Ines A. Ferreira, Sam Jones e Jorge Mouco

Realizamos uma experiência de laboratório no campo com 1.060 estudantes universitários em Moçambique para examinar os factores correlacionados com a desonestidade comportamental.
Documento de trabalho

Eva-Maria Egger, Sam Jones, Patricia Justino, Ivan...

The primary policy response to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in high-income countries has been to lock down large sections of the population.
Documento de trabalho

Carlos Gradín, Félix Mambo, Yonesse Paris e...

Students’ expectations about their future wages are established in the literature as relevant determinants of the choices made for education progression.
Documento de trabalho

Etienne Romsom e Kathryn McPhail

This study provides an overview of the use of natural gas and liquefied natural gas in Asia, both historic, current, and with an outlook for the future.
Documento de trabalho

Sam Jones, Ricardo Santos e Gimelgo Xirinda

Inaccurate expectations of future wages are found in many contexts. Yet, existing studies overwhelmingly refer to high-income countries, and there is little evidence regarding the sources
Artigo de jornal

A. Cruz, F. Fernandes, F. Mafambissa e F. Pereira

This article is part of the Oxford University Press book Mining for Change: Natural Resources and Industry in Africa (2020)