Artigo de jornal

A. Cruz, F. Fernandes, F. Mafambissa e F. Pereira

This article is part of the Oxford University Press book Mining for Change: Natural Resources and Industry in Africa (2020)
Documento de trabalho

Thomas Pave Sohnesen

Cognitive and non-cognitive tests are key factors in many aspects of economics, especially within labour market analysis
Documento de trabalho

Silvana Mondlane e Dirk van Seventer

This paper considers the impact of agriculture and international trade development on income distribution and economic activity in Mozambique. A social accounting matrix multiplier decomposition model is used—in particular, an extension of the standard model...
Artigo de jornal

Andrew E. Clark e Conchita D'Ambrosio

The authors use five rounds of Afrobarometer data covering more than 100,000 individuals over the 2004–2016 period to explore the link between individual self‐reported measures of living conditions and access to four basic needs. They...
Artigo de jornal

Channing Arndt, Paul S. Chinowsky, Charles Fant...

The authors consider the interplay of climate change impacts, global mitigation policies, and the economic interests of developing countries to 2050.
Documento de trabalho

Félix Mambo, Maren Basso, Vincenzo Salvucci e...

The level of educational attainment in Mozambique is one of the lowest in the world and primary school completion rate is also very low, not reaching 40 per cent. Using data from the Mozambican Household...
Documento de trabalho

Vincenzo Salvucci e Ricardo Santos

Mozambique is among the most disaster-prone countries in the world. A bigger than usual, and mostly unexpected, flood occurred in the central-northern region of the country in the first few months of 2015, causing huge...