
Conference on poverty and inequality grabs attention of the local media in Mozambique

30 November 2017

The conference on poverty and inequality in Mozambique, part of the ‘Inclusive growth in Mozambique’ project, took place at the end of November in Maputo, drawing interest from local policymakers, academics, and development practitioners – in addition to the local media.

Researchers presented the latest results on, as well as methodologies to study, poverty and inequality in Mozambique at the event, with the aim of informing innovative policies for more inclusive growth in the country. The conference was opened by Emílio Tostão, Scientific Director of the Eduardo Mondlane University, Vasco Nhabinde, Director of the Directorate of Economic and Financial Studies, Laura Torvinen, Ambassador of Finland, and Finn Tarp, Director of UNU-WIDER.

Read the full news article here and see more coverage of the conference below.

More news articles on the conference

Sapo Notícias, 27 November 2017: Governo moçambicano diz que mantém aposta nas áreas sociais para combate à pobreza

Diário de Notícias, 27 November 2017: Universidade das Nações Unidas alerta para o risco das desigualdades em Moçambique

Agência de Notícias de Portugal (Lusa), 27 November 2017: Governo moçambicano diz que mantém aposta nas áreas sociais para combate à pobreza

Rádio de Moçambique, 28 November 2017: Reduz Situação de Pobreza Extrema Em Moçambique: ONU

Club of Mozambique, 29 November 2017 (in English):