Public Forum

Open forum on macroeconomic scenarios and challenges in the present situation

The growth objectives of the Mozambican economy and the current challenges it faces make increasingly more important the adoption, development, and utilization of macroeconomic consistency models. These grant the opportunity to anticipate/foresee situational scenarios, as well as structural scenarios, and prepare adequate policies. 

This public forum held on 25 October 2016 aimed to:

  • Present the most recent macroeconomic trends of the Mozambican economy
  • Present and discuss a set of plausible mid-term scenarios using a model of macroeconomic consistency
  • Promote the exchange of perspectives from relevant actors of the macroeconomic policy and financial sector on the macroeconomic challenges of Mozambique
  • Promote the public debate on the macroeconomic challenges of Mozambique
08:00-09:00 Registration and coffee
09:00-09:15 Opening session
Representative of Bank of Mozambique *
09:15-09:45 Presentation of trends and macroeconomic scenarios
Prof. Sam Jones, University of Copenhagen PDF icon Presentation
09:45-11:00 Panel discussion
Dr. Felisberto Navalha, Bank of Mozambique
Prof. Vasco Nhabinde, Ministry of Economy and Finance Representative of the Private Financial Sector *
Representative of CTA *
Representative of Civil Society *
Dr. Faizal Carsane, CEEG, UEM
11:00-11:15 Coffee break 
11:15-12:15 Questions and answers
Moderator: Representative of the Economics Department, UEM *
12:15-12:30 Summary and Closure
Prof. Finn Tarp, UNU-WIDER
12:30 Lunch

* To be confirmed