
Course on Statistical and Econometrical Analysis with STATA

The programme Inclusive Growth in Mozambique will deliver a 5-day training course on Statistical and Econometrical Analysis with STATA for officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique along with academics and students from the University of Eduardo Mondlane. The training takes place 8–12 July, at the Ministry of Economics and Finance in Maputo.

The aim of the course is to improve knowledge of the STATA statistical package through applying econometric commands and techniques to real databases and relevant research questions to the country. The course will focus on small groups, where the groups will be asked to solve practical research questions and will be supervised by the trainer until they are able to produce and present a small final work  (graphical and analytical data description, preliminary correlation analyzes and hypothesis tests, linear regression).

The databases used will be the 2014/15 Household Survey, the Survey of Mozambican Manufacturing Firms 2017 and the Baseline Survey on the School-to-Work Transitions of University Graduates in Mozambique.