
Course on poverty line estimation and poverty calculations

The Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme delivers a course on poverty line estimation and poverty calculation from June to August 2018 in Maputo.

This course aims to equip the participants with tools to make poverty line estimation and poverty calculations usingl the software PLEASe. The course shows the participants how to estimate the food poverty line, the nonfood poverty line, and then to the total poverty line.

At the end, the course trainer shows how to calculate the poverty rate at various levels, using data from the Mozambican household budget survey 2008/09. The participants have theory and practical classes, and they are asked to solve simple exercises alone or in a group.

“We believe the course is important because it is fundamental to have in key public and private institutions more people, who understand what consumption poverty is and how it is measured, to inform the policy makers better on how to address it and possibly reduce it”,  says Vincenzo Salvucci, UNU-WIDER research fellow, who provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The event gathers togetherofficials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique along with trainees from the programme.