In the media

The public forum on higher education covered by the national media

On 4 September 2018, the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique Project hosted a Public Forum in Maputo to share the findings of its report Baseline Survey on the School-to-Work Transitions of University Graduates in Mozambique. The event gathered academics, government officials, private sector, development partners and media to discuss and debate how to tackle issues that affect the youth employability, thus contributing to informing new national policies.

The baseline survey maps the characteristics and employment expectations of the final year university students in Mozambique. Access the Policy Brief summarizing its results.

The national broadcasting company TVM published a news clip on the main findings of the report with an interview of Ricardo Santos from the research team. Journal of the University Eduardo Mondlane published an article from the event, focusing on the profile of Mozambican students.

Find the news from the event below:

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Jornal Comunidade, 07 September 2018: Perfil dos finalistas universitários moçambicanos

TVM, Jornal da Tarde, 04 September 2018: Empregabilidade em Moçambique- Sector Privado Aposta em Estudantes Finalistas na Área de Engenharia